Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12th

Hello all,
Thanks Gudrun for keeping up for me. I could've stayed at Inyati the whole time, in fact we had even asked for an extra couple nights stay, but decided to go with the plan. It was so nice and the internet not too available, I decided to just enjoy myself. It was definitely the best part of our trip! Lions, cheetah, leopard, and lots more. I will not be updating photos until I get home, or may not even write, just kick back and enjoy the rest of our trip....with the exception that when we arrived at Lone Creek Lodge, we are now questioning as to whether or not we left one of our credit cards at home or it was with us and lost. I checked with the bank and all is cool, but still wondering. Gudrun thank you for everything! We tried to call you from Inyati and our phone was down, they replaced it and still down. The drive to Sabie was very nice, almost Hawaii like, very tropical! We want to go back to Inyati!!!!! Love to all, Julie